
This topic is organized into the following sections:

About databases

A database is a structured collection of similar information, organized as a series of entries (or records). Entries make up individual sets of data, like listings in a phone book.

On the summary page of a database, entries are displayed in rows. Each row is divided into fields, or columns, of particular kinds of data -- name, address, and phone number, for example. Database creators choose which fields are displayed on the summary page. On the summary page, you can click an entry title or its icon () to open an individual entry page. The summary page of a database can optionally show a built-in dashboard for the database, which summarizes data in the same database.

A database entry page shows all fields in an entry, which can include a comment area, attachment box, and a change log that automatically records the entry's modification history. These fields are only displayed on entry pages, not on summary pages.

You can create database dashboard items in your eRoom that summarize and display information one or more database data sources. Your My eRooms page includes a Dashboards tab on which you can display and organize your database, calendar, and project plan dashboards. Thus, My eRooms provides a central location for keeping current with frequently updated items in multiple eRooms.

Database structure

The structure of a database consists of the following elements:

Database types

The kind of eRoom database you create or use depends on the kind of information you manage, and the way projects are run in your organization. eRoom has different database types to suit a variety of project needs. Here are the basic categories of eRoom databases:

Databases can be either standalone, or enterprise. A standalone database is independent of other databases of the same type. An enterprise database shares its structure in instances across multiple eRooms (details below).

Blank database

A blank database has no predefined structure (no fields or data types already set up). When you create a standalone database from scratch, you define its structure from the beginning and tailor it to your own specifications.

See also: To create a blank database

Approval-process database

An approval process database extends the structure of a regular database to include a series of clearly defined steps, or phases. It lets you manage the relationship of activities in a project from start to finish. Entries (representing new products in development, or employment candidates, for example) move from one step to the next based on member approvals, or some other criteria. Each step has a structure that mirrors that of the database to which it belongs, but with separate settings for access control, notification, some field options, and summary page options.

Note: An enterprise database cannot be converted to an approval-process database, and vice versa.

See also: To create an approval-process database

Task database

A task database is any kind of database (regular, enterprise, or approval process) that has fields representing the qualities of ownership and completion. These fields classify any database entry as a task if it has either of the following properties:

You can sync your eRoom tasks with your Outlook tasks as long as the member-owner field is not used as the title for entries in the database.

Template databases

A template database is a pre-defined database, managed by a community administrator, stored at the facility level, which is available for eRoom members to create. Such ready-made databases give eRoom members a quick start in managing task lists, approval processes, project milestones, and other structured data.

See also: Template Databases in the Community administration topic.

There are two kinds of database template.

In regular database templates, you can provide sample data for demonstrating how to use the database, or for members to modify according to their own requirements.

Approval-process templates cannot, however, have any sample data. If you convert a non-approval-process template to an approval-process template, any sample data it contains is deleted.

Note: An approval-process template cannot be an enterprise database, and vice versa.

Customizable database

A customizable database is a template that has a predefined structure. Database templates are stored in a special directory of the facility your eRoom is in, and are shared by all eRooms in that facility. When you create a standalone, customizable database from a template, you can create it 'as is', or modify its structure to suit your needs.

See also: To create a customizable database from a template

 As for template rooms, this only works when the template is instantiated in the site it was created it.

Enterprise database

An enterprise database is a database template that provides a shared, consistent format for collecting, organizing, managing, and storing related data across several eRooms in a facility. This format is unchangeable except by an administrator. Because its structure is shared and constant across eRoom, an enterprise database offers a repeatable way of collecting the same kind of information from multiple eRooms.

In a reserved area of Facility Settings, an administrator creates the master enterprise database. From this master template, facility members can create instances of the enterprise database. Each eRoom in a facility can have one instance of a given enterprise database. While eRoom members cannot customize the structure of that instance, those with appropriate permissions can add entries to it.

An individual eRoom stores all the entries for an enterprise database that are created in that eRoom. All entries created in multiple instances of that database across eRooms, however, are stored centrally in the facility. Therefore, project managers (for example) with administration privileges can create an enterprise database overview (see below) that rolls up all entries created in all instances of a particular enterprise database, facility-wide.

See also: To create an instance of an enterprise database

Enterprise database overview

An enterprise database overview is similar to the summary page for non-shared databases. But instead of presenting all the entries in a standalone database, it presents an aggregate view of all entries created in all instances of the enterprise database in all eRooms in the facility in which you are a member.

Suppose you supervise several projects that are managed in different eRooms across a facility. You can create a single enterprise database on the facility for tracking project issues in your organization that need resolving. Each eRoom in the facility can have a single instance of the "Issues" database in which members can record project-specific issues (database entries). You can then create an enterprise database overview to see all the issues from all the projects. One column in the overview names the eRoom from which the issues originate.

See also: To create an enterprise database overview

Database summary page

The front page of a database is its summary page. The summary page of a regular database shows the entries in the database, according to the database's summary page options, and any search criteria applied.

On the summary page, you can open, add, delete, edit, rearrange, search for, sort, and view or re-group any grouped entries. If you have Edit rights to the database, you can save the current view settings.

On the summary page, the title of an entry is a link to its page. Entry titles are also used in search results and notification email.

Note: Summary-page options for an approval step do not include the entry-title setting because a title is only defined for the main approval process, and all steps use the same title field for entries.

Sorting database entries

As in folders, you can sort entries on the summary page according to any displayed field. Click a column heading once to sort it in ascending order, click again to sort in descending order. Your sort settings are retained across browser sessions.

Database dashboards

The database summary page can optionally display a built-in dashboard that summarizes data in the database. This is especially useful for large, multi-page databases. The dashboard provides a quick overview of entries and the information they contain. Database creators or members with Edit rights to a database can specify the dashboard settings on the Dashboard Options page of the database wizard. For instances of a enterprise databases or for an enterprise overview, administrators set the dashboard options from the Template Databases page in Facility Settings.

Grouped database entries

When entries are grouped, the summary page shows a subheading row for each value for the field you picked, and tells you how many entries have that same value (for example, ten entries with 'top' priority, five with 'low' priority, and so on). The value appears in bold (with an unread mark, if there are unread entries in the grouping), and a number indicates how many entries contain the same value for that field. Values for all fields are hidden, or collapsed.

Note: Database entries in the map mirror the grouping and sorting in effect.

Approval-process database main summary page

The main summary page for an approval-process database displays an Approval Steps list showing the steps it contains. You can open the steps for which you have at least Open rights to. Columns in the list show the step names and number of entries in each. If a search filter is in effect, a third column shows the number of matching entries in each step.

Also, depending on the database's settings, the summary page has another list showing a roll-up of all entries in each step, displayed according to the database's summary page options. When the summary page shows this entry roll-up, and a search filter is in effect, the roll-up shows only the entries that match the search criteria. In this filtered view, the roll-up includes, in addition to the database's selected summary column fields, a column that names the step in which each matching entry is located.

Approval-process database step summary page

Steps in an approval process also have their own summary pages, with their own summary options and optional search forms. The summary page for a step shows the entries it contains, displayed according to the database's summary page options, and filtered according to any search criteria applied.

Working with databases

Like any eRoom item to which you have the appropriate access rights, you can create, edit, delete, move, or set notification on a database. In addition, you can search for information in existing database entries.

You work with database information by sorting, grouping, adding, editing, or removing entries.

See also: Working with database entries

In approval-process databases, steps have their own structure, which reflects that of the database. However, unlike instances of an enterprise database, which match the structure of the master enterprise database exactly, many step properties can be set independently from the main approval-process database.

See also: Working with approval-process steps

Access control for databases

Databases have their own access control properties, as do individual database entries and approval-process steps. Initially, anyone who can get to the database or step can open it, and its creator (owner) is the only member who can edit it (change its properties). When creating or editing a database or approval-process step, you can

Initially, database entries and approval-process steps have the same access control settings as the parent database, but owners of existing entries and steps can modify those settings independently.

See also: Controlling access to information

Searching in a database

If searching is enabled in your database you can

For a regular or enterprise database, clicking "find" filters the database so that the summary page only shows entries that match your search criteria. eRoom also displays this message in the search form: "search filter in use, n entries found". All non-matching entries are hidden.

If an approval-process database provides database-wide search form, clicking "find" inserts in the list of Approval Steps a Found column that shows, for each step you have permission to open, how many entries meet the search criteria. This Found column is blank for steps that you cannot open. If the approval-process summary page also shows an entry roll-up, the roll-up shows only the entries that match the search criteria. In this filtered view, the roll-up shows a column that names the step in which each matching entry is located. If you open a step that has no overriding search form, the database's search form opens on the step summary page. In this case, any search criteria valid in the step is applied, and the step summary page shows the matching entries.

To show all the entries in your database, click "Reset" at the bottom of the search form. However, if search criteria was saved along with other view settings (via "save settings") you can manually set each search field to its most inclusive setting, such as blank, or "any".

To close the search form, click the minus sign () next to "Search form" at the top of the form. With the search form closed, any current search criteria filters the database so that only matching entries are visible. In this case, eRoom displays the "search filter in use..." message next to the "show search" button at the top of the summary page.

Saving view settings on the summary page

If you are on the Edit list for a database, you can save the current view settings (search criteria, grouping, and sort settings) by clicking the "save settings" button () in the command bar of the summary page. This puts the current view settings into effect for everyone who opens the database for the first time.

Databases and the recycle bin

When you delete a database entry, it goes to the recycle bin. However, such entries are still associated with the database from which they were deleted. As such, they remain affected by changes to the structure of their parent database. Also, if you permanently delete a database from the recycle bin, and the bin contains entries previously deleted from the same database, you must first confirm the deletion of those entries as well.

Note: Deleting an entry from an enterprise database overview places it in the recycle bin in the eRoom where it was created (that is, where the source instance is located).

Printing databases

On the summary page of a database, click "print view" in the command bar to open a print view page. This page includes (non-printing) instructions to help you make your database printing choices.  

On the print view page

A databases built-in dashboard, if its visible, will appear before the database on the print view page. You cant hide and show columns for the dashboard; only the columns that are showing will print.

See also: Printing items in the Working with items topic

Creating a database

You begin to create a database just like you do other items. On the Create page, when you click the icon for databases, the Create Database wizard opens to the Database Type page. From there you pick the type of database you want to create.

The steps you take in the wizard depend on the kind of database you pick, and, if it is customizable, the extent to which you modify it.

You navigate in the Create Database wizard using these buttons:

Or, if you are creating a customizable database from a template without going through all the steps in the wizard, "Next" creates the database.

Or, if you are creating an approval-process database from a template, and you choose not to go through all the steps in the wizard, "Next" goes immediately to the Approval Steps page in the wizard.

Keep in mind that when you create a blank database, customizable-database template, or approval-process database, you can revise it later. You can change its structure (add or remove fields), modify its fields (change data types or options), and adjust its properties (such as its color scheme) to accommodate project changes.

To create a blank database:

When you create a blank database, you build it from scratch, defining its fields and choosing its options. If you create a predefined, customizable database from a template, on the other hand, you can build one quickly, if you like, and customize it later. Which type you pick depends on your needs and which templates are available for your eRoom.

  1. On the Database Type page, pick "(blank)", and then click "Next".

  2. On the Set Database Name page

  1. In the text box on the Database Fields page, type on separate lines the names of fields (columns) in your database. Specify at least one unique field name.

    When you pick field names, think of the titles you want your database columns to have. If you want entries to include fields for comments or attachments, or for automatically recording changes, type names for these fields as well.

    Note: Comment areas, Attachment boxes, and Change log fields are only displayed on individual entry pages, not on the database summary page.

  2. On the Database Field Types page, choose from the drop-down menus a data type for each database field you named in the preceding step. Make sure at least one field can serve as a title for entries in links and in email reports (either Plain text, Formatted text, Date, Number, Autonumber, or Member list).

  3. On the Database Field Options page, you can customize your database fields. The set of options available for each field vary according to data type. For example, Change logs have no optional settings; Attachment boxes only have an optional setting with eRoom Enterprise (otherwise, none); you must set options for Choice lists and Approval fields; and all other data types have optional settings that you can change at your discretion.  

Note: When you are editing a database and adding a field, this page also contains summary page options that pertain to the new field's data type.

  1. On the Database Summary Options page, you organize how you want the summary page to look and to operate. This page lists the database field names in the order they appear on the summary page and on individual entry pages.

  1. On the Dashboard Options page, you organize which fields in this database you want summarized in a dashboard, and how.

  1. On the Database Instructions page, you can type a welcome message that appears on the database summary page, and instructions for editing entries that appear on the Create/Edit Entry pages. Both settings are optional.

  2. Click "OK" to create the database and open its summary page.

See also: Working with database entries

To create a customizable database from a template:

Creating a customizable database template is nearly the same as creating a blank database, but with all the fields already defined. You can create the template as is, or customize its settings to your liking.

  1. On the Database Type page, pick the name of a customizable-database template, and then click "Next".

  2. On the Set Database Name page

  1. On the Database Field Options page, modify, edit, move, or delete fields as needed, and then click "Next".

  2. On the Database Summary Options page, organize the database summary page to your specifications, and then click "Next".

  3. On the Dashboard Options page, specify which fields in this database you want summarized in a dashboard, and how.

  4. On the Database Instructions page, you can type a welcome message that appears on the database summary page, and instructions that appear on the Create/Edit Entry pages. Both settings are optional.

  5. Click "OK" to create the database and open its summary page.

See also: Working with database entries

Note: When you create a template database that has rights-management protected content or rights-enabled folders, the database is created as a copy and protection works normally.

To create an instance of an enterprise database:

Except for its name, color scheme, access control settings, and choice of icon, an enterprise database is always created as is, so that all instances (in different eRooms) have a consistent structure. You can only create one enterprise database instance per eRoom.

  1. On the Database Type page, pick the name of an enterprise-database template.

    Leave blank the "create an enterprise overview" check box.

    Click "Next".

  1. On the Set Database Name page

  1. Click "OK" to create the database.

    (Since an enterprise database cannot also be an approval-process database, there is no check box on this page for making the database multi-step.)

See also:  Template databases in Community administration

To create an enterprise database overview (administrators only):

Only an eRoom administrator (site or community) can create an enterprise database overview, and only in an eRoom (not at the facility level). Except for its name, color scheme, access control settings, and choice of icon, an enterprise database overview is always created as is. Also, you can delete entries on an overview page but you cannot add them.  

  1. On the Database Type page, pick the name of an enterprise database template.

    If there is no instance of the enterprise database in the eRoom, pick its name, and then select the "create an enterprise overview" check box.

    If there is already an instance in the eRoom, picking its name automatically selects the "create an enterprise overview" check box (which is read-only, since you cannot create another instance anyway).

    Click "Next".

  1. On the Set Database Name page

To create an approval-process database:

An approval-process database has the same structure (field definitions, summary options, and other settings) as a regular database, organized into a series of named steps. When you create an approval process, you first define the database proper (either from scratch or by using a customizable template), and then you define its steps.

Note: At least one field in an approval process database must be an approval field. You use this field to approve an entry (by editing it) and move it to the next step.

  1. On the Database Type page, pick either "(blank)", or the name of a customizable database template, and then click "Next".

  2. On the Set Database Name page

  1. Complete the Database Fields page. Type the name of an approval field, otherwise eRoom creates one for you. Click "Next" to continue.

  2. Complete the Database Field Types page. At least one field must be an approval field. Click "Next" to continue.

  3. On the Database Field Options page, modify fields as appropriate, and then click "Next". For an automatically-created approval field, eRoom sets the database creator as the only approver, and sets that field to be the process-approval field. (If you have already specified a non-approval field called "Approval", eRoom  automatically switches its type to approval, sets the database creator as the only approver, and makes that field the process-approval field.)

    Note: If you are creating this database from a template that does not already have an approval field defined, you must define one now.

    Click "Next" to continue.

  1. On the Database Summary Options page, organize the summary page to your specifications, and then click "Next".

    Note: Since the summary page for an approval process cannot have a comments area or attachment box, check boxes for these options do not appear in the wizard.

  1. On the Dashboard Options page, specify which fields in this database you want summarized in a dashboard, and how.

  2. On the Database Instructions page, you can type a welcome message that appears on the database summary page, and instructions that appear on the Create/Edit Entry pages. Both settings are optional.

    When you click "Next", the Approval Steps page opens.

  1. Use the Approval Steps page to edit, reorder, delete, and add steps, and to set database options particular to an approval process. To get you started with a new approval process, eRoom provides three initial steps named New, Open, and Closed. A table at the top of the page lists the existing steps in the order they appear on the summary page of the database. You can modify these steps, or delete them and create new steps from scratch.

    Work with individual steps as follows:

  1. Also on the Approval Steps page, set these approval-process-specific database options:

  1. Finally, on the Approval Steps page, set these options for the main summary page:

  1. Click "OK" to create the database.

See also:  Working with approval-process steps

Editing a database

Editing a database involves using the Edit Database wizard to modify database properties, structure, or options. This wizard uses the same pages as the Create Database wizard, but lets you go directly to the page that controls the action you want to take. You can also choose to go through all the wizard's options as you do when you create a database from scratch, or customize a database template.

You navigate the Edit Database wizard using these buttons:

Tip: If you only want to change a database's name (and no other settings), right-click its icon and pick "Rename" from the pop-up menu. Otherwise, the only way to change its name is to edit it, and then go through all the database options.

To edit a database:

  1. On the database summary page, click at the top.

Or, right-click its icon and pick "Edit" from the pop-up menu.

  1. On the Edit Database/Edit Approval Process page, pick one of the following and click "OK":

  1. When you are finished editing the database, click "OK" to save your changes and return to the database summary page.

 To add a database field:

  1. On the Edit Database page, pick "add a field" and then click "OK".

    Or, on the Database Field Options page, click "add another".

  1. On the Field Order page, pick which existing field you want the new field to follow on the summary page.

    Or, pick "(before first field)" to have it appear first.

    Click "Next".

  1. On the Create Field page, type a name, and pick a data type for the field.

    Click "Next" to proceed to the Database Field Options page.

  1. On the Database Field Options page, set or change field options, as appropriate for the field's data type.

  2. Also on the Database Field Options page, select the field's summary page options, as appropriate for its data type:

  1. Click "OK" to update the database and return to the summary page.

Note: New database fields have default dashboard settings based on their data type. If you want to change these default settings, edit the database again to modify the Dashboard Options page.

To delete a database field:

  1. On the Edit Database page, pick "delete fields" and then click "Next".

  2. On the Delete Fields page, select which fields you want to remove from entries in the database.

    You can also remove the Comment area, Attachment box, and Change log for entries.

    Click "OK". 

  1. Confirm that you want to delete the fields, and then click "OK" again to update the database and return to the summary page.

To move a database field:

  1. On the Edit Database page, pick "move fields" and then click "Next".

  2. On the Move Fields page, select which fields you want to relocate and then click "Next".

  3. On the Field Order page, select which field you want preceding the fields you just selected.

    Or, select "(before first field)" if you want the fields to appear first on the entry page.

  1. Click "OK" to update the database and return to the summary page.

To change a database field:

  1. On the Edit Database page, pick "change a field" and then click "Next".

    Or, on the Database Field Options page, click the edit icon () next to the field's name and type.

  1. Pick the field you want to change and then click "Next".

  2. On the Create Field page, specify a new name or data type for the field (or change nothing).

    Click "Next" to proceed to the Database Field Options page (or "OK" to return to it).

    The type of data you can convert to depends on the data type you start with. The drop-down list for changing a data type lists only the allowable types.

  1. On the Database Field Options page, set or change field options, as appropriate for the field's data type.

  2. Also on the Database Field Options page, select from the following summary page options, as appropriate for the field's data type:

  3. Click "OK" to update the database and return to the summary page.

Note: To change a field's dashboard options, edit the database again to modify the Dashboard Options page.

Converting a database to a different type

Only an administrator, working at the facility level, can convert a standalone, non-approval database to an enterprise database.

Converting to an approval process

For a standalone, non-approval-process database, first make sure the database has at least one approval field (add one if necessary). Then, on the Set Database Name page of the Edit Database wizard, select this check box: This database is a multi-step approval process. When you click "OK", the Approval Steps page opens so you can set up your steps, as needed. Any existing entries in the database are added to the first step.

Converting from an approval process

The check box that specifies a multi-step database is read-only (once it's selected it cannot be cleared). Therefore, to convert an approval process to a standalone, non-approval-process database, you must delete all of its steps.

Working with database entries

When you open a database, you see its summary page, which presents rows of database entries with values in columns for each of the database fields shown on the summary page. You can see any database row you have Open rights to; otherwise it will be hidden from you on the summary page, and will not be included in the total row count.

In approval-process databases, entries are grouped into different steps in the approval process. You can see any database row you have Open rights to; otherwise it will be hidden from you on the summary page, and will not be included in the total row count. To move an entry to a different step, you can edit the entry to approve or reject it.

Access control for database entries (rows)

Database entries have their own access control properties. Initially, anyone who can get to the database or step can open it, and its creator (owner) is the only member who can edit it (change its properties). When creating or editing a database or approval-process step, you can do the following:

Initially, database entries and approval-process steps have the same access control settings as the parent database, but owners of existing entries and steps can modify those settings independently.

To open a database entry:

To return to the database summary page from the entry page, click (up a level) in the map, or click "summary" at the top.

To add a database entry:

  1. On the database summary page, click "new entry" at the top.

    Or, in the command bar on the summary page, click "new entry".

    Or, on the Edit Database Entry page when you are editing an entry, click "Add Another".

  1. On the Create Database Entry page, specify values for the available fields.

  1. Click "OK" to create the entry and go to its page.

    Or, to continue adding entries, click "Add Another" at the top of the Create Entry page.

To edit a database entry:

  1. On the database summary page, click next to the entry's icon.

    Or, right-click the icon and choose "Edit" from the pop-up menu.

    Or, on the entry page, click at the top.

  1. On the Edit Database Entry page, use the type-specific controls to edit fields.  

  2. Click "OK" to save your changes and return to the entry page.

    Or, to edit multiple entries in sequence, use the "Previous" and "Next" buttons on the Edit Database Row page. When you click either button, eRoom saves the current entry and goes to the previous or next entry in the database.

Working with fields in database entries

When you create or edit entries in a database, your actions depend on the kind of data in each field. If a field has an initial value, you can change it if you need to.

Field type


Plain text

Enter and edit text with no formatting options. Possible limit to the number of characters.

Formatted text

Enter and edit text using a rich text editing box. (plug-in only)


Enter and edit a date using a standard text box. Click to open a pop-up calendar, from which you can pick a date.

If the field is a due date, you can select the "Done" check box to indicate a task completed. Then, on the summary page, this field has a check mark next to the date in an entry. Further, if this field is part of a task database, then the task is no longer included in your tasks list, and the next time you sync your task database with Outlook, the task will be marked 'Done' there as well. If you leave this check box empty, the field shows a date value only.


Enter or edit numbers and related characters, such as currency symbols, commas, and decimal points.


You cannot edit autonumber fields because they are automatically set. On the summary page and entry pages, they are numbered in the order they are either created or sorted.


Pick either "Yes" or "No" from the drop-down menu.

Traffic light

Pick one of the available status indicators, including "(none)".

Choice list

Pick one of the available choices from the drop-down menu.

Member list

Click the member picker (). On the Choose Members page, pick the appropriate member(s). You can only pick one member, unless the field is set to "Allow multiple choices".


If you are a member listed as an 'approver' for an entry (or if you are the eRoom's coordinator or administrator), the "approve" button for this field will be available, if applicable, directly on the entry page itself, in addition to appearing in the editor.

Comment area

On an entry page, click "add a comment" or "take a vote" to include discussion comments or an embedded poll.

Attachment box

On an entry page, use the attachment box to create, add, and manage items related to the entry (other eRoom items, files, and so on). An attachment field in a database is like an embedded eRoom item box.

With eRoom Enterprise only, a database attachment field might be set to automatically store in a default location of a Documentum repository all unlinked files created, dropped, or pasted there. The last step in an approval-process database, for example, might automatically archive a finished document in a repository. Previous steps might have this setting turned off while the document moves through its draft and review stages. See Specifying a default storage location in a Documentum repository in Documentum Server linking with eRoom Enterprise for details about this option.

Change log

You cannot edit a change log because it automatically records changes to the entry.

To cut, copy, and paste database entries:

Note: Unless an approval-process database permits members to move entries from step to step by hand, only eRoom coordinators can cut, copy, and paste entries between steps.

To delete a database entry:

  1. On the summary page, right-click the entry's icon and pick "Delete" from the pop-up menu.

    Or, on the summary page, select the entry's check box and click "delete" in the command bar.

  1. Confirm that you want to delete the entry, and then click "OK" again to update the database and return to the summary page.

Working with approval-process steps

Steps in the approval process hold the database's entries, which are data records consisting of the fields defined in the database proper. Using the Step wizard, you can create and edit the properties of steps in the database. You can remove steps from a database, but you cannot cut, copy, or drag and drop steps.

See also: Approval-process databases and Documentum Server-linked files

About step properties

Steps inherit most of their properties from the parent database, but you can edit them separately (including some fields' options) using the Step wizard. The wizard uses the same pages as the Create Database wizard does for an approval process, but you can go directly to the page that controls the action you want to take.

Unless you change a step property from its initial (parent-matching) setting, its setting tracks all changes to the same property's setting in the parent database. Once you change that property in a step, however, the step's setting overrides that of its parent, and changes to the parent's setting no longer affect the same setting in the step. If the step/parent properties are changed so that they once again match, the setting-tracking resumes (except for choices in a choice list, which never sync up again once they are overridden), and changes to the parent are reflected in the step.

On the other hand, once access control settings for steps are modified from their initial settings, they are permanently independent, even if they again match the main database's access control settings later.

To add a step in an approval process:

  1. On the approval-process summary page, click "new step" in the command bar of the Approval Steps list.

    Or, on the Edit Approval Process page, pick "Change the approval steps or approval rules" to open the Approval Steps page (and proceed from there).

  1. Pick which existing step you want the new field to follow on the summary page. Or, pick "(before first step)" to have it appear first. Click "OK".

  2. On the Set Step Name page

Click "Next".

  1. The Approval Step Field Options page lists only Member list, Approval, and Choice list fields defined in the approval process. With eRoom Enterprise only, this page also includes the Attachment box field, if the database has one defined. The step can have separate choices, options, and initial values for any fields for these data types only (however, settings for "Display on the same line as the previous field" for choice-list fields, and "This is an owner field" for member or approval fields do not appear).

    Modify these field options as appropriate (if at all), and then click "Next".

  1. On the Approval Step Summary Options page, where you can specify different summary page options for this step than for the rest of this approval process. However, you cannot change for an individual step either a field's position (its column order), or the title of entries.

    Click "Next".

  1. On the Step Instructions page, you can type a welcome message that appears on the step summary page, and instructions for editing entries that appear on the Create/Edit Entry pages. Both elements are optional.

  2. Click "OK" to create the step and return to the main summary page for the approval process.

To edit a step in an approval process:

  1. On the approval-process summary page, right-click a step's icon and pick "Edit" from the pop-up menu.

  2. On the Edit Approval Step page, pick one of the following and click "OK":

Click "OK" to update the database and return to the summary page.

  1. When you are finished editing the step, click "OK" to save your changes and return to the approval-process summary page.

To delete a step in an approval process:

  1. On the approval-process summary page, right-click a step's icon and pick "Delete" from the pop-up menu.

    Or, select the step's check box and then click "delete" in the command bar.

    Or, in the map, right-click a step's icon and pick "Delete" from the pop-up menu.

    Or, on the Edit Approval Process page, pick "Change the approval steps or approval rules" to open the Approval Steps page, and click for the step you want to delete.

  1. As long as it is not the only remaining step in the approval process, and if it has entries, you are asked which step you want to move the entries to. Pick a step to move the entries to and click "OK". Then click "OK" to confirm the step's deletion. (If the step has no entries you just have to confirm the deletion.)

    If it is the only remaining step in the approval process, whether or not it has any entries, you are asked to confirm that by deleting that step in the approval process, you convert it to a standalone database. Click "OK" to confirm.

    eRoom deletes the step. If the step had entries and it was not the last remaining step in the database, the entries move to the step you picked. If the step was the only one left in the approval process, the database is now a regular database, and any entries are regular database entries.

Note: Deleted database steps are permanently removed from the eRoom and do not go into the Recycle Bin, if your eRoom has one.

Data types for database fields

Each field in a database accepts and displays just one type of data.

Note: You can change a data type for a field after you save the database, but only to another type that is compatible with the original. For example, you can only change a date field to a plain text or formatted text field. This is to preserve any existing values in those fields, or to reasonably convert them.

Data type

Description and options

Dashboard display options

Plain text

For fields displaying text with no special formatting. You edit a plain text field using a standard text box.

Limit this field to n (1-256) characters

Select this check box if you want to restrict the size of a text field. Specify a number for n that defines the maximum number of characters the box for editing this field can hold. The default value for n is 40 characters. If you leave this check box empty, there is no limit to the size of a text field. 

Initial value

Specify the content you want this field to display on the entry page and the summary page when you first create an entry. If you leave this option blank, the field has no initial content when you create a new entry.

No word-wrapping

Select this check box when you want all text in this field to appear on a single line on the summary page (example). In this case, the entry with the greatest number of characters in this field determines the width of the column. Otherwise, if text in this field cannot fit on a single line in a fixed-width column, it wraps to the next line and the field expands vertically to accommodate it.

Display on the same line as the previous field

Select this check box to change the layout of the entry page (not the summary page) so that this field appears on the same line with the preceding field instead of on a separate line. This setting is not available for the first field on the entry page, or if it follows one of the following types of fields: Formatted text, Member list, Approval, Comment area, Attachment box, or Change log.

  • hidden (default choice)

  • count of non-blanks or blanks

Formatted text (plug-in only)

For fields displaying text with type styles such as bold and italic, as well as graphics and hyperlinks. You edit a formatted text field using an embedded rich text editing (RTE) box.

The box for editing this field is n lines tall

Select this check box if you want to define the height (n for number of lines) of the RTE box you use to enter formatted text for the field. While this number does not limit how much text the field can hold, you can use it to visually accommodate the size of a typical value. 

Initial value

See above.

No word-wrapping

See above.

  • hidden (default choice)

  • count of non-blanks or blanks


For fields displaying calendar dates. You edit a date field using a text box with a date picker () provided for choosing a date.

This is a due date

Select this check box to classify the date as a deadline or milestone. When you create or edit an entry with a due date field, the editor for that field includes a "Done" check box.

If a database has both a due-date field and a member-owner field, it qualifies as a task database. However, in order for the task database to successfully sync with Outlook, the member-owner field cannot be used as the title for entries in the database.

Initial value

Pick the setting that determines the value you want this field to display on the entry page and on the summary page when you first create an entry.

  • Blank -- (the default) Show nothing.

  • Date created -- Show the date on which the entry is created.

  • Date created plus [n] days -- Show the date that occurs n days (you supply a number for n) later than the date on which the entry was created.

Display on the same line as the previous field

See above.

  • hidden

  • latest (default choice)

  • earliest

  • sub-columns for done/not done (enabled only if due date is true)

  • count of non-blanks or blanks


For fields displaying fixed digits and related characters, such as currency symbols, commas, and decimal points.

Initial value

See above.

Display on the same line as the previous field

See above.

  • hidden

  • sum (default choice) or average

  • min/max

  • count of non-blanks or blanks


For fields displaying numeric values that the eRoom software generates automatically when you create an entry. You cannot edit autonumber fields.

Number entries -- Pick how you want entries numbered.

  • in the order they're created -- (default) This 'freezes' numbers at their displayed value when the entries are created. Values are preserved when you change the sorting order of entries, or if you add, delete, or move rows.

  • in the order they're sorted -- This changes the displayed value of numbers if you change the sorting order of entries, or if you add, delete, or move rows. Choose this option if you want to show the numerical rank of database entries according to their current sort order.

Display on the same line as the previous field

See above.

  • hidden (default choice)

  • highest non-deleted number (enabled only if numbered by creation order)


For fields displaying "Yes" or "No" values, such as in columns labeled Complete or Shipped.

Initial value -- Pick whether you want Yes or No displayed in this field on the entry page and the summary page when you first create an entry.

Display on the same line as the previous field

See above.

  • hidden

  • sub-columns for count of each state, including blank, if any (default choice)

Traffic light

For fields that visually indicate the overall status of entries. Each "traffic light" field can display one of three settings in the style you choose (example).

Traffic light style

Pick a style for how you want the status indicators to appear.

  • -- individual traffic lights (green, yellow, or red)

  • -- groups of traffic lights with only one color illuminated (green, yellow, or red)

  • -- colored flags (green, yellow, or red)

  • -- thumb pointers (up, both up and down, or down)

  • -- symbols (check, dash, or "x")

  • Custom text (instead of the corresponding icons) -- In the text boxes, type a text equivalent for each of the three colors. This text appears in the field instead of the corresponding traffic light image.

Initial value -- Pick how you want the status indicator to appear on the entry page when you first create an entry.

  • an individual traffic light -- Show either a red, yellow, or green traffic light.

  • (none) -- (default) Show nothing.

Display on the same line as the previous field

See above.

  • hidden

  • count of non-blanks

  • sub-columns for count of each state, including blank, if any (default choice)

Choice list

For fields that display a subset of predefined values.

When editing a choice-list field that allows one choice only, you pick the value from a drop-down list of predefined choices. When editing a field that allows multiple choices, you use the choice picker () to select from a set of predefined values.


In the text box, type on separate lines the set of values you want members to choose from (replace the initial values, which are there for example only). If you allow multiple choices, do not include the semicolon character (;) as part of any value. Otherwise, such values will not import properly in CSV format since the export data converter uses the semicolon to delimit values in a choice field.

Allow multiple choices

Select this check box to allow members to choose more than one value for this field when creating or editing an entry.

Initial value

Leave the text box blank, or if you want this field to display a value when you first create an entry, type one of the values you specified as choices.

No word-wrapping

See above

Display on the same line as the previous field

See above.

  • hidden

  • count of non-blanks or sub-columns for count of each currently-listed choice plus "other" and/or "blank" if needed (default choice)

Member list

For fields that display the names of eRoom members. You edit a member list using the member picker () to select from the set of members to choose from.

Which members should be listed?

Pick whether you want All members listed as choices for this field, or just a subset of the eRoom membership (Only these members). 

This is an owner field

Selecting this check box classifies the member field as having an owner. In combination with the database having a due-date field defined in the database, having a member-owner field defined (with this setting) qualifies the database as a task database. However, in order for the task database to successfully sync with Outlook, the member-owner field cannot be used as the title for entries in the database.

Initial value

Of the members you specified to be listed as choices for this field, specify the particular members (if any) you want shown as the initial value for this field. If you pick "(creator)", the initial value is the name of the member who creates the entry. To show nothing in this field when you create an entry, leave the box blank.

Allow multiple choices

Select this check box if you'd like people to be able to pick multiple members.

Display initials, not full names

Select this check box if you want to display members' initials instead of their full names on the summary page for this field. Members' full names are displayed on the entry page even when you have this option set.

  • hidden

  • count of non-blanks or sub-columns for count of each currently-listed member whose count is > 0 (default choice)

  • sub-columns for selected members


For fields identifying members who can approve entries in the database. On the Edit Database Entry page, approval fields include a field for specifying a deadline for approving the entry. Any deadline is also displayed on the summary page, in the approval field. A member listed as an approver can click "Approve", and then on the Choose Members page, select the check box next to their name to register their approval.

In an approval-process database, in any step after the first one, the approval fields on the Edit Database Entry pages include a "Reject" button in addition to "Approve". If you are an approver, clicking "Reject" lets you write an explanation before sending an entry back to the preceding step, where the entry page displays your reason for not approving the entry.


Use the member picker () to choose the members, groups, or roles with the authority to 'sign-off' on an entry (for example, project leaders, editors, or managers).

Each entry must be approved by:

Specify whether all names identified as approvers must sign off, or whether approval by any one of them is sufficient.

This is an owner field

Select this check box to classify the approval field as having an owner, thus qualifying the database as a task database, and enabling it to sync with Outlook.

Initial value

To display names of approvers when you create an entry, either use the member picker (), or, to specify no initial names, pick "(none)".

Initial deadline

See above.

  • hidden

  • sub-columns for count of approved/not approved (default choice) or sub-columns for count of each currently-listed approver whose count is > 0.

  • sub-columns for selected approvers

  • (note: the built-in Approver field in an Approval Process database does not have any display options, and is not included on this page, but user-added approver fields are.)

Comment area

For including on the entry page a space for adding comments. A database can only have one comment area field.

Allow nested responses

Select this check box so members can insert direct replies to individual comments.


Attachment box

For including on the entry page a space for adding files. A database can only have one attachment box field.

With one exception for eRoom Enterprise, there are no options for this data type.

Contained files are linked to the Documentum Server by default (eRoom Enterprise only)

Select this check box to specify a default storage location in a Documentum repository for all files created, dropped, pasted, or routed into any entry's attachments box. In an approval-process database, for example, the last step might automatically store a finished  document in a Documentum repository. Previous steps might have this setting turned off while the document moves through its draft and review stages. See Specifying a default storage location in a Documentum repository in eRoom Enterprise for details about using this option.

Note: This option is only available for attachment fields in databases, not attachment boxes in other eRoom items, such as notes and polls.


Change log

For automatically recording any modifications to database entries or tasks and on individual entry or task pages, displaying a row that shows a record of each change. A database can only have one change log field. When a change log records ten or more changes, it displays just the most recent five. Click to expand or to collapse the log to view or hide the earlier changes.

There are no options for this data type.

  • hidden (default choice)

  • count of log entries (default choice when the field is shown)

  • date of latest entry

Converting fields to other data types

After you define all the fields in a database, you might want to change a field from one data type to another. For example, suppose you define a field for plain text, and you later decide that it needs hyperlinks. You can change the field to formatted text, which provides the ability to insert hyperlinks.

When you change a database field from one data type to another, the following notes apply:

Exporting and importing a database

To export data from a database:

  1. On the database summary page, click "export" in the command bar.

    If there are any formatted text fields, the Export Database Item page asks if you want to export them as HTML.

  1. On the Export Database Item Complete page, click the link to download the exported file.

    The file is saved in CSV

Note: Images in formatted text fields, attachments, comments, and change log entries are not exported.

To import data into a database:

  1. On the database summary page, click "import" in the command bar.

  2. On the Import Database Item page, pick the export file for the database item you want to import.

    eRoom database item export files have the extension ".csv". The file must begin with a header row containing column names.

  1. Click "OK".

    Columns in the text file whose names match columns in the eRoom database are imported into the database.

    In addition, eRoom checks that each data row is well-formed (i.e., the number of fields in a data row matches the number of fields in the header row). If there's a problem here, it's usually because the wrong delimiting character is used in the data rows, but the header row is OK. If any of the data rows are malformed, eRoom will alert you to the problem, such as in the following message: "No rows will be imported. This could be because there are no rows in the file, or all rows don't have the correct number of fields. Please check the file and try again."

    If there are more rows in the CSV file than the maximum specified as a server tuning parameter (the default is 100,000), eRoom displays a message saying there are more rows than allowed. In this case, you can split the file into smaller increments and try importing again.

Note: If you are importing into an approval-process database, the CSV must contain an additional column labeled "Step" that contains the name of the step into which you want the entry imported.